Sunday bulletin online

Some members suggested putting the church bulletin online, so we’re trying that out.  You’ll find the page in our Worship section.  You might enjoy a preview or find it to be a handy reference if you recycled your bulletin after church and need to go back to it.  We’ll try … Read More

Red Bucket Sunday to Help Presbytery Missions

Red Bucket Sunday was celebrated on September 13, 2009. We had the opportunity to participate in a special presbytery-wide offering which benefits four entities affected by the Presbytery of East Tennessee’s $30,250 mission budget reduction due to a budget shortfall this year. Morgan-Scott’s amount was reduced by $4,000, Sunset Gap’s by $8,500, Marcella … Read More

Westminster Abbey newsletter now available online

The Westminster Abbey church newsletter is now available here on  We’ll keep archive issues available so this can be a handy reference for you. A user name and password is required to view the newsletters.  This is in consideration of the privacy and safety of our members since the … Read More